Of all the animals of prey, man is the only sociable one.
Every one of us preys upon his neighbour, and yet we herd together.
The Beggar's Opera: John Gay

Sunday 26 January 2014

Promises, promises!

Of all the points for discussion raised by Ed Balls' Magic Porridge Pot pledge to 'balance the books' by 2020 while reducing the national debt, my favourite is the fact that, according to in the conventions of headline-speak, his utterances are reported thus...

Labour not anti-business - Balls


Balls - Labour Government will 'balance the books'

...and somehow I find myself mentally adding an invisible exclamation mark of disbelief each time.

I admit it may be somewhat below the belt to poke fun at a chap's name - though in this case I'm prepared to make an exception - but you have to admit there is a rich vein of satire to be mined here.

We have, of course, already celebrated him in song back in the days when he was Education Secretary - sorry, 'Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families'; it's not New Labour without a touchy-feely title - and doing such a good job that many of those who entered secondary school during his tenure now 'cannot write properly, add up or even wear appropriate clothes for work'.

Apparently this is damaging Britain's hopes of economic recovery, which gives an interesting irony to the grand schemes he unveiled this week.

I think it's time for a reprise (with apologies to The Who):

He walks onto the platform and gazes round the hall
"I promise you," he tells them, "That we can have it all;
A healthy budget surplus while Britain's borrowing falls."
And this man's behind it; it's got to be pure Balls!

1 comment:

  1. ...and somehow I find myself mentally adding an invisible exclamation mark of disbelief each time.

    Personally, Kalashnikov springs to mind, not being violent or anything.


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